Monday, August 22, 2011

Preparing for the school year

Today, we went school supply shopping, and the kiddos got hair cuts. we are not done tho- we still have to get :

Cream of Tartar x2
Package of 5 oz cups x2 (I cleared out what Walmart had today, each kid needs 3 packages!)
box of plastic knives x2
fine edge crayola markers x2 (I miss read the list, it said fine AND regular......)

these are the supplies we have collected so far! preschoolers need a lot!
Thursday they are scheduled for vaccines.  Mariana has open house on Tues. the 30th, then class starts on wed the 31st!  We are waiting for Melchizedek's information to come in the mail, he will have a trial week sometime in September, because he will start classes as soon as he turns three! (Oct 8)

Mariana Before

Mariana after :)

MelZ before, panicking before she started

MelZ after, still upset
MelZ hates to get his hair cut, normally I cut our family's hair, but his screams of death were not worth it today, so today he screamed at the hair dresser and not at me :) she cut his hair so fast..... like in 5 minI might invest in hair clippers, my scissors just are not fast enough.

1 comment:

  1. Great looking haircuts, my boys always cried when they were little, too. That IS a lot of stuff, good luck next week :D
