Friday, August 5, 2011

all the crashing waves

Sometimes, I feel like a rock, constantly being beat up by waves. Unfortunately the waves of life are not as pretty as they are in this picture. Waves of life situations leave me feeling beat up and exhausted.  Two huge waves hit on Wednesday night: 1. the struggles in dealing with the insurance company after Matt's accident from July 5th, and 2. finding out that the classes for Special Education Preschool for my children, are going to be opposite ends of the day, Mariana in the a.m. and Melz in the p.m. class. (I was hoping for them to be at the same time, morning, or afternoon, so I could have some personal time to just get stuff done, a run, trip to the store, get the house ready to sell, etc.)

I know its times like these I need to hold tight to God and spend time in prayer, but there are moments when I feel like if I could only catch a breath, or two minutes alone, I would pray.

So, they say, whatever doesn't kill us will make us stronger.  I am hoping one day I will be a giant rock, that can withstand the waves, and stand secure and strong.

 but, I may end up like this :)  (Bic Mac Rock, I found this pic and had to add it somehow)

1 comment:

  1. Man, I feel you on this! So much so I have gone a little silent on my blog because I just feel so beat up. I hope the insurance comes through for you, that is ridiculous & that the time with each child one- on -one is blessed during the school year- tough stuff my dear...God must know what a bada$$ you are ;)
