Wednesday, August 31, 2011


My sweet boy.  He loves his trains. I  look forward to taking him to Europe to actually ride on a train. The only trains out here carry cargo. Until then, he plays with his Thomas Trains.

He isn't looking at the camera because he is watching a  Thomas the Train movie.

He did get to ride on  a train roller coaster at the fair :)

and a Nemo boat ride too, and it had a fun bell

He has a magical smile.


It was Mariana's first day of school today. Of course, this is already her third year of school so she is a pro for a four year old.

I sure wish she liked getting her picture taken, she has beautiful eyes, but she doesn't look at the camera very often.

I will also add some cute photos of her from when we went to the fair. We went to a kid friendly play that had audience participation. It was an old west style setting. Mariana was a dancing girl. Hoorah for dress up, she told me later she wanted to go back and be a cowgirl.... but we didn't have time.

 Matt also was in the play, he was the bad guy cowboy. I was also in the play, I was cast as the dog....  no pics of that though :)

here is some video of Mari dancing~

Monday, August 22, 2011

road tripping in the USA!

This past weekend we went to Helena, Mt for a wedding...... after viewing my photos I realized we did not get any pics of the bride and groom, yikes! anyways.... here is the best of what I did take......

In the car

8 hours in the car both ways..... but they did great

MelZ and Hanna (niece of the groom)

Cathedral of St. Helena... my picture does not do it justice

here is a pic of the Cathedral from the Internet

Dad and me at the reception

the reception was in a huge old barn, this is my mom and the kids

between the ceremony and reception, we found this awesome ice cream parlor that has an old fashioned carousel

I am realizing, I did not get any pictures of Matt and I together, of the bride and groom, or their families, or my parents together or when Melz asked a girl to dance with him.... of course, I was his words, but the girl accepted, and they were sooo cute! I think she was about 9 or 10....  that boy loves the ladies... (Matt took video of this though) all in all it was a fantastic trip.

Preparing for the school year

Today, we went school supply shopping, and the kiddos got hair cuts. we are not done tho- we still have to get :

Cream of Tartar x2
Package of 5 oz cups x2 (I cleared out what Walmart had today, each kid needs 3 packages!)
box of plastic knives x2
fine edge crayola markers x2 (I miss read the list, it said fine AND regular......)

these are the supplies we have collected so far! preschoolers need a lot!
Thursday they are scheduled for vaccines.  Mariana has open house on Tues. the 30th, then class starts on wed the 31st!  We are waiting for Melchizedek's information to come in the mail, he will have a trial week sometime in September, because he will start classes as soon as he turns three! (Oct 8)

Mariana Before

Mariana after :)

MelZ before, panicking before she started

MelZ after, still upset
MelZ hates to get his hair cut, normally I cut our family's hair, but his screams of death were not worth it today, so today he screamed at the hair dresser and not at me :) she cut his hair so fast..... like in 5 minI might invest in hair clippers, my scissors just are not fast enough.

Sunday, August 14, 2011


The other night we had some friends over for dinner.  It was so nice to catch up. Eliza and Tim are newlyweds who work with YWAM Scottland.  Tim is from Boise, and Matt and him were roomates back in the day.  Eliza is from Austrailia and is a YWAM veteran so, there was a lot to talk about around the table tonite. Mix in my wild chilren, and I think we had a pretty good time.


August 13, Matt and I celebrated our 6 year Anniversary.


and now.

p.s. thank you melting pot :)

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

this little house of mine

I did hours of yardwork today, weedeating, mowing, spraying weedkiller, and picking up dog poo. So, I am a little proud of how nice it looks.  We are hoping to put it on the market in the next year. I'll miss the house, but not all the effort it takes.  I am amazed that we will have been in this house 5 years this Christmas. I was intending on ripping out the side lawn this year an planting a large garden, but I did not feel any peace about it from the LORD, it seemed like too big of a project to do that and start preparations for full time ministry.

Monday, August 8, 2011

a little adventure goes along way

MelZ excited about the library computers

Did you say something?

tired on the walk back
I am not sure what game this is.

using our hookless fishing pole, lots of fun- until they found sticks :)