Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Fall Harvest

 I love fall, and now that I have started to garden, I get to harvest my efforts in my favorite season, making Autumn even better.

This year I actually got full sized green bell peppers, along with pepperoncinis and so many cherry tomatoes.

I was so excited about the blue pumpkin seeds I found in the spring, I totally forgot to buy regular orange pumpkin seeds.... oh well, next year. Until then, I get to enjoy these four beauties :)

I added a picture of this cause I butchered my first hen this month. It was really gruesome, but such a good experience. Unfortunately, she was a "light weight" obviously not a meat bird.... but she was mean, and was not laying eggs, so she will hit the stew pot.  At some point I will do a whole blog post on the butchering process, complete with video.... for those who have a strong stomach.

This year, I made an effort to get the green tomatoes inside before the frost. Matt really loves my spaghetti sauce, so if these turn red, I am hoping to can some spaghetti sauce for the winter.   Also in the pictures are "part of a peck of peppers to be pickled" this will be another new adventure.

I managed to clear out these two drawers, perfect for the green toms.   

After butchering my hen with Nicole, we picked raspberries, or rather I ate raspberries while she picked a load of them. I am hoping to make raspberry jam, another new experience..... I am so grateful for Google and having information at my fingertips.

In the spring I planted a lot of Luffa plants, in effort to make Luffa scrubbies for Christmas gifts. It did not turn out as planned.... I only got one pod, and I didn't know it was there until I mowed the plant (I didn't think anything grew, so I gave up on the plant.... and  then found the pod after the plant was a goner)

This is what mine turned out like.  At least the seeds I purchased were heirloom, so I can save these until next spring.

Hanging here are Sage and Rosemary, the herb garden I started two years ago is really fruitful. Lavender, Mint, Thyme, Rosemary, Oregano, Chives & Sage.   Things I planted this year that were total duds: garlic and hops.... but Spring will come again with new opportunities.

Added Oct. 22:
I picked these lil' guys. wish they were more orange.... this is what they could/should have looked like:

They are called "pumpkin on a stick" if you are insterested in growing some yourself.


  1. Wow! Nice work, I am SO impressed!!! My thumb totally BROWN. :(

  2. I'm very impressed! I sometimes wish I had a yard but then I remember that I'm not so good with plants. I hope next year is even better!

  3. I love seeing the results of your gardening adventures and how you find such great ways to utilize your produce!!! ALL the photo's were amazing; I especially like your blue pumpkins, all those tasty peppers and I didn't know a Luffa is from a cool is that!!!
