Friday, September 23, 2011

revisiting Heidebeek

Sept 2002- July 2003 I was blessed to be able to do a Bible school though YWAM (SBS). On my trip to the Netherlands, I went back for a visit.

Nine years since I was first here. I love this place.

 This bike was so awesome, it made biking a breeze.

My view from my room while I was at Heidebeek for 4 days. It was so incredibly peaceful.

 Oh, Licht in Duuster, (housing) so many, many memories.

 Chickens at Heidebeek  :D

Stairs up to the view of the heatherfields.

I was looking forward to resting on the bench... but it was too muddy to get close.


Fietspad, my first dutch word = bikepath.... the country is covered with them.

 I was "glowing" after a long bike ride. So happy to be in Holland again.


  1. Oh yes! You were glowing! I love it, so glad you got your dream trip :)

  2. Love love love this photo of you; glowing is an total understatement!!! The scenery at the bible school is absolutely amazing! You knew what Heather is, the fietspad were very inviting along with the bicycles and the Dutch hens were great!!!
