Friday, September 23, 2011

food from my Euro trip

Kipsaute Bapao en curry, lekker.  (Chicken with peanut sauce in a steamed roll, with a sweet curry sauce, yummy)

real Belgian frietjes with mayonnaise. rumor has it, it was the Belgians who first came up with  frying potatoes as "fries". I really don't care where the genius of this idea came from, I am just happy it came. 

my first "Belgian Waffle" it was yummy, but remarkably tasted just like a waffle!

 De Koninck- one of the many beers famous in Belgium. It was very good.

 the first of many cappuccinos I drank in Amsterdam. 


  1. You really make me miss those yummy foods! I'm glad you got to have them!

  2. So happy you finally were able to go back to the place you loved so much for so many years!!!
